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2FA app for your Garena account

2FA app for your Garena account

Vote: (2 votes)

Program license: Free

Version: 1.2

Works under: Android


Program license

(2 votes)




Works under:



  • Offers 2FA even without an internet connection
  • Easy to navigate with clear and oversized buttons
  • Includes a help section for each part
  • Allows up to four Garena users on the same device


  • Experiences performance issues such as lagging and freezing
  • Users have trouble adding or removing accounts in real-time
  • Lacks regular updates and improvements

Garena Authenticator is a free-to-use app aimed at enhancing user account security through two-factor authentication (2FA).

Features and Functionality

Garena Authenticator is primarily known for its 2FA capabilities. The app makes use of your mobile device as a tool for verifying account transactions, thereby offering an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access. The app is capable of performing authentication tasks even without an internet connection, which sets it apart from many other similar apps. It also supports barcode and QR code scanning, along with in-app verification and code generation.

The layout of the app is simple and minimalistic, with clear and oversized buttons that make the app easy to navigate. Whether you are looking to add accounts or verify a new login, this app simplifies these processes. To further enhance the user experience, the app includes a help section for each part of the app. It also allows for up to four Garena users on the same device.

Performance Issues

Despite its useful features, the Garena Authenticator isn't without drawbacks. Users have reported a number of optimization issues that limit the effectiveness of the app. These include instances of lagging or freezing when in use. The account management section also appears to be problematic, with users unable to add or remove accounts in real-time.

Overall Assessment

In comparison to other 2FA apps, the Garena Authenticator appears to have fallen behind, reflecting the decline of its once-popular game distribution and hosting platform. While it has the potential to be a good app, owing to its visually appealing design, easy-to-use interface, and helpful tools, the ongoing issues hamper its overall usability.


  • Offers 2FA even without an internet connection
  • Easy to navigate with clear and oversized buttons
  • Includes a help section for each part
  • Allows up to four Garena users on the same device


  • Experiences performance issues such as lagging and freezing
  • Users have trouble adding or removing accounts in real-time
  • Lacks regular updates and improvements